Browser set up.

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Apr 15 17:55:25 UTC 2008

On 04/15/2008 03:22 AM, Walter wrote:
> I have a problem that has bugged me for a while needs sorting out.
> I  have trouble viewing certain websites. I have Ubuntu 7.10, 8.04B and 
> have tried a variety of Linux OS, and different browsers.
> I cannot view my own website, my ISP and a bank, 
> Most other sites and banks are OK .
> My own page, hosted by, starts to 
> download the top adverts header,(not mine) but then sticks and gets no 
> further. The difficult header is not my inclusion but a penalty of a 
> free webserver! 
> Synaptic tells me I have:
> 'flashplugin-nonfree,(the description mentions Adobe)
> 'sun-java6 plug in'
> Adobe flashplayer_9_linux.
> (no Php(?) is installed )
> Are there any other plugins/libs I should have?
> Suggestions from this group would be appreciated.

All three sites load & view just fine for me in SeaMonkey and FF2 & FF3
even without flash, or cookies. You'll need javascript to navigate the
plusnet and bank site properly.

Your site only uses flash in the advert bar when the advert uses flash -
it's not required to view the site. You can actually turn off both flash
and javascript as you don't use them on your site. Turning off
javascript will get rid of the annoying advert altogether. The "Orange"
top window will still exist, but the advert will go away. That said,
it's a free site, so perhaps it's best to give the advertisers their
view :-)

Perhaps clearing your cache will fix the problem.

Flashplugin-nonfree has problems of it's own, see:

If you are not running 64bit, I'd just recommending downloading and
installing the most current version from adobe ( Download the
flash .gz, unpack it by double-clicking in Nautilus, copy the to ~/home/.mozilla/plugins and be done with it. If you
don't have a /plugins folder, create one.
  That's it, nothing else needs to be done - don't even run the
flashplayer-installer shell script.

For 64bit, it's probably better to stick with flashplugin-nonfree as it
automatically configures nspluginwrapper for you (required on 64bit, not
on 32bit).

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