Gutsy unstable

Sean Sieger sean.sieger at
Mon Apr 14 17:44:46 UTC 2008

Pastor JW <pastor_jw at> writes:

   Create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ipw3945 and add: 
   blacklist ipw3945

   Add to /etc/modules: iwl3945

   Reboot. After the system restarts, verify that the module iwl3945 (and not 
   ipw3945) is loaded: 

   $ lsmod | egrep 'Module|iwl|ipw'

   You should see an output that looks like: 
   Module                  Size  Used by
   iwl3945                88168  0
   iwlwifi_mac80211      175112  1 iwl3945
   cfg80211                7304  1 iwlwifi_mac80211

   As seen, only the iwl3945 module is loaded.  Hope this helps!  It was easy 
   enough the even I could do it!  Of course it was done on a laptop which 
   had "Gutsy" factory installed.  

Thank you for posting this.  What I'm not clear on is whether this also
solved the network manager issue.  I'm currently using ifupdown as a
workaround for the network manager's failure to reconnect.

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