Gutsy unstable

Kenneth P. Turvey kt-usenet at
Sun Apr 13 19:39:42 UTC 2008

On Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:27:59 -0700, Pastor JW wrote:

> I don't remember any either.  Here are the notes I used:
> Description: When using the ipw3945 wireless module, the network 
> connection 
> can drop or lockup during heavy transfer rates. 
> Impact: Wireless connection drops. Data transfer stops. 
> Workaround: Use network module iwl3945 instead. 
> Create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ipw3945 and add: 
> blacklist ipw3945
> Add to /etc/modules: iwl3945
> Reboot. After the system restarts, verify that the module iwl3945 (and 
> not 
> ipw3945) is loaded: 
> $ lsmod | egrep 'Module|iwl|ipw'
> You should see an output that looks like: 
> Module                  Size  Used by
> iwl3945                88168  0
> iwlwifi_mac80211      175112  1 iwl3945
> cfg80211                7304  1 iwlwifi_mac80211
> As seen, only the iwl3945 module is loaded.  Hope this helps!  It was 
> easy 
> enough the even I could do it!  Of course it was done on a laptop which 
> had "Gutsy" factory installed.  

I tried this and it worked.  I guess you just have to have the driver in 
the /etc/modules file when you reboot for the name of the interface to 
get worked out and all.  

Strangely the signal strength is listed as being 3 out of 4 bars now when 
I'm only a few feet from the router.  Not that it matters, as long as 
everything else works.  I'll post in a few days to note whether or not 
this solves all the problems. 

Thank you all. 

Kenneth P. Turvey <kt-usenet at>

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