list updates

Joseph ubuntu at
Mon Apr 14 13:48:57 UTC 2008

Nils Kassube wrote:
> John Hubbard wrote:
>> Somewhere on the page that you used to subscribe to the list, there was
>> a box to check to choose if you wanted to receive your own messages.
>> Did you check that box?
> Even if the box is checked, Gmail users don't see their own posts. That is 
> a Gmail feature which comes up on this list quite frequently.

I have a gMail account which U used to use for a couple of lists.  When checking my mail online, I 
did not see the mail I'd sent.  But when I began downloading it into my eMail client, I was 
receiving them (my own) as well.  Not sure if I may have done something else then or not.  If I did, 
it had to be in gMail's configuration which you can change to fit your needs.


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