Read/write NTFS from Ubuntu

David B Teague davidbteague at
Sat Apr 12 03:29:39 UTC 2008

Owen Townend wrote:
>     Ultimately I want to run everything I need to run using Ubuntu only,
>     with Finale (music notation) and one or two other programs running
>     either with Wine or otherwise (VM Ware?)  At that point I will move
>     everything to Ubuntu. OK.   not Ubuntu, rather, Kubunu. -- and remove
>     Windows.
>     David Teague
>     Double Bass in Fifths Tuning.
> Hey,
>   If your ultimate goal is to be rid of windows then you may be better 
> off getting thunderbird in XP to look on your ext3 partition instead 
> of the other way around. It will make the eventual step of wiping the 
> XP partition that much less hassle.
> Check out for an XP ext2/3 driver.
> cheers,
> Owen.
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Hey, Owen

Many thanks. It occurred to me after I had sent  that message that I 
might want to move the profile to the [K]Ubuntu side.

I will need that driver to make ext2/3 available to XP. Is there a 
driver that enables XP to read/write the Reisserfs?

A better question is do I want to use Reisserfs or ext3fs?

David Teague
Double Bass in Fifths Tuning

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