Will there be a supported upgrade path from Edgy to 8.04?

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux i-ubux at synass.net
Thu Apr 10 00:25:27 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 22:46 +0200, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 16:04 -0400, stan wrote:
> > I have a production machine, that I was surprised to just notice is running
> > Edgy. Should I upgrade now, or wait for the 8.04 release to upgrade?
> Regarding your subject: no, not a supported one. There will be a
> supported path from 6.06 (Dapper) and from 7.10 (Gutsy).
> You can do Edgy -> Feisty -> Gutsy -> Hardy, but you are much better off
> reinstalling. Omitting releases is also not recommended, again it is
> faster to just reinstall.
> By the way, Edgy was end-of-life'd on March 25:
> http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu610end-of-life

Hi Mario, Ubuntu experts and users
This upgrade topic interests me very much too !!

Since Oct'07 I am an Gutsy with a simple ROOT / SWAP installation.
With Hardy 8.04 LTS I am planning some changes, i.e a separate HOME

Above in the answer "a reinstall" is suggested to be faster !!!
How does this really work with an existing productive environment ???

All data are in HOME, sure and good ...
... with a reinstall I am getting a new setup into ROOT and etc !

This new setup has no applications one is used to !!

Assuming I activate Evolution and Thunderbird, their user data are
already available in HOME ...
... are these exisiting data reactivated OR overwritten ???

Well, Evolution offers a backup and I can restore after
reinstallation ...
... but a more complex productive enviironment may not be that easy !!??

Any enlightening available ?
TIA and cheers, svobi

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