(Network) Can not connect to internet after install of Ubuntu

Yahya A. ERTURAN e.centre at yahoo.it
Wed Apr 9 12:26:21 UTC 2008

Alright, maybe it is my fault to give less informationm, but I will get  
used to the correct style.
We have an ASUS ADSL Modem with 4 port of ethernet cable. We have totally  
3 PC in our home network (2 desktops and 1my laptop) connected to internet  
through that ADSL modem. Before, (in my old Windows life) when I plug the  
ethernet cable to the ethernet port, it retrieved IPs automatically and  
connects to internet. Nothing has changed. Just I installed Ubuntu. The  
other PCs in network, are connecting normally to internet. But I can't. is the gateaway to modem. When I write this address to the  
Firefox, I can connect to the modem normally. That means local network is  
working properly.
Please let me know if you need any other information.
Thanks again.
I am at work than, hopefully we will solve it till I get back to home in  
the evening.

On Wed, 09 Apr 2008 14:55:15 +0300, Gerald Dachs <ubuntu at dachsweb.de>  

> Quoting "Yahya A. ERTURAN" <e.centre at yahoo.it>:
>> Thanks for reply. The version is Ubuntu 7.10.
>> There has been a misunderstanding. It is not the Wireless Connection  
>> which
>> is not working. I did not try it yet. It is not a problem yet.
>> Ethernet Cable connection is not working!
> This is much too less information to solve the problem. I don't believe
> that you are connected with an ethernet connection to the internet.
> There must be something in between.
> Gerald
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