Wireless Ad-hoc on ubuntu

Gerald Dachs ubuntu at dachsweb.de
Mon Apr 7 12:29:23 UTC 2008

Quoting Neil <hok.krat at gmail.com>:

> On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Nils Kassube <kassube at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Parlotti wrote:
>>  >  I have had to wrestle with the madwifi atheros drivers until I got em
>>  > working. The recent brick wall I have run into is getting the wireless
>>  > to join an xp  based ad-hoc network. I have read around and tried to
>>  > put the wireless card into ad-hoc mode but none seem to work.
>>  Well, I had trouble to get 2 Windows machines to _reliably_ communicate
>>  with ad-hoc mode. That doesn't mean it isn't possible, but I don't know
>>  much about Windows. However there was no problem between Ubuntu
>>  machines :)
>>  Anyway, this is for the Ubuntu side - I can't tell you how I got the
>>  Windows side working. In a terminal enter these commands:
>>  sudo wlanconfig ath0 destroy
>>  sudo wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode adhoc
>>  sudo iwconfig ath0 essid "mywlan" channel 1 txpower 10
>>  sudo ifconfig ath0 up
>>  Modify the parameters according to your preferences. I didn't try WEP
>>  encryption because it isn't secure anyway. But if you want to try it,
>>  consult the iwconfig man page for the necessary parameters.
>>  Nils
> I always advise to use WEP. In the Netherlands leeching of unprotected
> networks is legal, while leeching of protected networks (even only
> WEP) is illegal. I do not know how it is in the rest of the world

So you protect your wlan not by a better encryption standard but
by the police? Maybe you could put additional a sign in you window
for passing by wardrivers "This wlan is protected by the police, be warned!"

I think Nils meant that he always uses WPA2.


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