TinyURL (Was: 8.04?)

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 06:26:52 UTC 2008

On 06/04/2008, Avi Greenbury <avismailinglistaccount at googlemail.com> wrote:
>  > I would prefer for my links to work regardless of whether a
>  > third-party service is down.
> Yeah, same here. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a two-party service on the internet, in general.

Technically, you are correct. Then instead of "two-party connection",
read "X*2 party connection" where X is the amount of hops going /
coming directly from the server.

>  > I would expect the people on this list to be able to understand the
>  > implications of having links go through a third party.
> I think most of us do.
>  I think it's just that there are differences between how various people weigh up the percieved benefits and disadvantages of tinyurl.
>  I know it's a well-worn statement, but there's not a lot I do on the net that I'd particularly rather wasn't shared with google or whatnot, and for that which I'd like to keep private, SSL exists.

That is true as well. I personally do not like Tinyurl for the
performance disadvantages and because it hides where the link is
going. Slashdot users will know how dangerous a blink link can be.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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