minimum RAM for Ubuntu

Owen Townend owen.townend at
Tue Apr 1 01:20:22 UTC 2008

On 01/04/2008, Hilary Naylor <hilary.naylor at> wrote:
> I'm trying to install Ubuntu (or Edubuntu) on a Dell latitude CPt laptop
> that was donated to my school. The installation stalls at the point where
> there is a brown rectangle on the screen and the icon for Nautilus
> appears.
> The laptop has only 129MB RAM (and a 6GB hard disk). Is this the reason it
> is stalling? Is there a minimal version of Ubuntu I could use? I am afraid
> that more RAM for the laptop will be too expensive.
> thanks
> Hilary
> ----
> Hilary Naylor
> Technology Coordinator
> Parker Elementary School
> Oakland, CA
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  If you are installing Ubuntu using the livecd, perhaps
try installing using the alternate disk instead[1]. This is just an
installer meaning it doesn't load an entire usable desktop _and_ the installer.
This tends to be more successfull with less ram available.
  For Edubuntu this would be the 'Edubuntu 7.10 Classroom Server CD'
choosing 'Workstation'[2].

  If the system runs too slowly once up and running you may want to try
XUbuntu (which uses a more lightweight window manager) instead and then add
the Education packages.


[1] This is a checkbox option on the Ubuntu download page
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