add to openoffice writer toolbar

Alex Janssen alex at
Wed Sep 26 03:22:00 UTC 2007

Brandon Blackwell said the following on 09/25/2007 09:24 PM:
> Is there a way to add a word count button to a toolbar? You can do it 
> in word where it even displays the count in the toolbar but I will be 
> happy with a quick button. Or does somebody know of a keyboard 
> shortcut since that would be even quicker. I can't find anything in 
> the openoffice help.
> Thanks in advance,
> Brandon Blackwell
Check out -> documentation -> how to's
You can add any predefined functions or your own macros to the tool 
bars.  I hate to say it ... RTM.   On the right end of any toolbar, 
click the narrow bar with the little down arrow. Select customize toolbar.


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