add to openoffice writer toolbar

Steve Lamb grey at
Wed Sep 26 01:53:51 UTC 2007

Brandon Blackwell wrote:
> Is there a way to add a word count button to a toolbar? You can do it in
> word where it even displays the count in the toolbar but I will be happy
> with a quick button. Or does somebody know of a keyboard shortcut since
> that would be even quicker. I can't find anything in the openoffice help.

    Better still, put the word count in the status bar?  I am trying to keep a
pace of 250 words a day on a story I am writing.  250 new words, not shuffling
of old ones.  I'd like to have a counter so when I'm struggling I can see how
close I am to my goal and, if past it, feel ok in leaving the struggle for

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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