Samsung 19inch 931CW - ubuntu looks fuzzy

Gabriel Dragffy gabe at
Tue Sep 25 13:42:09 UTC 2007

Hi all

Just yesterday replaced my monitor with the above samsung, the other  
LCD monitor went out with a bang (literally), tripping the fuses with  
it. Anyway, got this new samsung, looks gorgeous n sleek, ran dpkg- 
reconfigure xserver-xorg and made sure I got the optimum resolution.  
Can't remember off the top of my head, anyhoo if I now go to  
prefernces and screen resolutions it says it is selected. I don't  
believe it thought, everything looks like it has been scaled up from  
a lower resolution, the writing is hard to read and everything is out  
of focus. I am hoping someone might be able to say how to fix this,  

Best regards

Gabriel Dragffy

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