Cannot run Clamav

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Sep 25 13:15:02 UTC 2007

Graham Watkins wrote:
> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>> Markus Schönhaber wrote:
>>> Graham Watkins wrote:
>>>> I first installed the version shown under Synaptic Package Manager but 
>>>> whenever I  tried to run it I was informed that this version was out of 
>>>> date and so far as I could tell that was the end of the exercise.
>>> End of the exercise? Why? What was the actual problem besides clamav
>>> informing you of the availability of a newer upstream release?
>>> There even might be a newer version in the backports-repository for your
>>> Ubuntu version.
>> Just to be clear...are you sure it wasn't telling you the *database* was 
>> out of date?
>> You'd need to run sudo freshclam to update the virus definitions update 
>> for ClamAV.
>> -Bart
> No, it was telling me the program itself was out of date.  This seems to 
> be a problem as by the time we get Ubuntu binaries they are already out 
> of date. I would have thought that out of date virus protection was 
> better than no virus protection at all. Still, what do I know?

Actually, I don't usually bother with most AV anymore...99% of what's 
out there is mail-borne, and I am blocking executable files by extension 
on the mail server.  I run Linux without Windows API auto-launching 
applications so that's not a problem for me, and my wife uses a Mac. 
Also the line has been completely blurred among malware, trojans, 
viruses, worms, and just plain stupid phishing's 
"malware" is trying mainly to turn your computer into a spam zombie, not 
kill your system.

Clam should not refuse to run just because the binary out-of-date, as 
long as the database files are up to date.  I know it'll give warnings 
about binaries and functionality, though.  Idon't know if you still have 
it, but do you have the error message?

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