CD Not recognized by older pc

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Fri Sep 21 03:20:56 UTC 2007

On Friday 21 September 2007 12:45:35 Jose Manuel Gaspar Martins wrote:
> Paul Ayers wrote:
> >* I have a 333 HP pc that is not recognizing the CD is there anything I
> *>* may do to remedy this?
> *>*
> *>* Thank You
> **
> *I'm having a problem running ubuntu from live cd
> ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso
> (checked md5)
> on a hp omnibook xe3 with windows 2000 sp4:
> screen gets blank after initial processing/ loading/ instaling,
> looks normal to me until it gets blank.
> my guess is that the pc doesn't have enough ram: only 130 KB available...
> is there an ubuntu version less demanding in terms of ram?
> thanks in advance
> Jose Martins
> **

Hi Jose

Maybe xubuntu. It uses a lighter weight windowing environment so may be more 
to your needs. Might be worth a look


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