automagic way to (re-)install all packages on a system?

maman durahman durahman at
Thu Sep 20 01:36:49 UTC 2007

2007/9/20, Jeff.Hodges at <Jeff.Hodges at>:
> Here's a scenario..
> I'm wondering if there's an automagic way to re-install all packages that are
> installed on a given "source" system -- e.g. have synaptic or aptitude write
> out a file of a system's current set of installed packages, then be able to do
> an ubuntu install on a new "target" system, say, and then feed that file to
> synaptic/aptitude/whatever, and have all the packages that'd been installed on
> the source system installed on the target system.

let me confirm what i get from your write;
You have ubuntu system installed varios application on it. Then you
want install the same version ubuntu and the same application on other
machine. You want to install application on the other machine without
connecting to internet again. Straight forward use file from previus
installed system. I'am correct.

If it's correct so you can use local repository. Make local repository
from your old insstalled ubuntu+application the use that local repo to
install program on new installed ubuntu.


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