automagic way to (re-)install all packages on a system?

Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby mihamina.rakotomandimby at
Thu Sep 20 00:29:34 UTC 2007

Jeff.Hodges at wrote:

> Is there a (straightforward) way to do this?

on the command line interface, there are some tools:

	# dpkg -l | grep ^ii

will give you all the installed packages.
you can output ti to a file using ">".

then you will be able to loop into the package list.

But there is a debianish method

	# dpkg --get-selections > pkglist

To gent the packages list

	# dpkg --set-selections < pkglist
	# apt-get dselect-upgrade

To update the target system

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