Firefox on Ubuntu displays different from Firefox on WinXP

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Sep 19 03:38:34 UTC 2007

On 09/18/2007 07:42 PM, Alex Janssen wrote:
> NoOp said the following on 09/17/2007 07:46 PM:

>>> Worked fine for me. I'm on an oddball wireless site in Banff, Alberta.
>>> Jim
>> Interesting... what version of FireFox are you using & what version of
>> Flash (about:plugins from the URL bar)?
>> What happens when you view and move your mouse over
>> the menus? Do the menus appear behind the flash movie, or above it?
> About:plugins says     File name:,    Shockwave Flash 
> 9.0 r31

You should upgrade to r48 - Version: 9,0,48,0. You can find it on

> Firefox help->about says version
> On the Adobe site, the flash display looks right, but the menus drop 
> down behind it.

And that is the problem :-)

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