Computer won't restart if turn off!

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Sep 19 00:26:23 UTC 2007

On 09/18/2007 03:55 PM, Ashley Benton wrote:
> Hi, thank you for your quick answer.
> The message error was 0 after 12 pass. So I did esc and the computer is back
> on. Where can I look to know why the computer won't start if turn off? Each
> time I turn it off, when I push the button to turn it back on there is no
> power and I have to unplug to be able to have the power back. What could
> cause this to happen? One of the setting I have done when I installed Ubuntu
> or something wrong in the computer? As long as I had been on Windows I had
> no problem, I put Ubuntu and had changed my power supply twice and had to
> put a new Hard drive to be able to start my computer. I love Ubuntu and try
> to avoid Windows but I need to know that I will be able to turn it back on
> if I need to install something in it or if there is a storm!
> Can you help me with that?
> Thank you
> Megan

Look up the BIOS settings for your computer (google). You may have to
press F8 or such to get into bios, then check your bios settings for
power, etc. My guess would be that something is off in your bios,
particularly if this also occurs with Windows when you dual-boot. You
may have to update the bios, reset to default, etc., but other than a
valid hardware fault I suspect that is where your problem is.

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