Computer won't restart if turn off!

larry shields larry at
Tue Sep 18 19:04:49 UTC 2007

megan wrote:
> Thank you for your answer but how do I check it with memtest86? I tried
> in the terminal it didn't do anything. Could you be more explicit
> please. I am completely new to Ubuntu and have still some trouble to
> understand when it's not precise enough
> Thank you
> Megan
> On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 20:28 +0200, Marc Rios wrote:
>> What you says seems to be hardware problem... try to check it with
>> memtest86...
>> 2007/9/18, megan <meggalen at>:
>>         Hi,
>>         A big thanks to those who helped me with my synaptic packages
>>         manager
>>         sources troubles, and yes I have been able to configure
>>         evolution after
>>         I changed my email address.
>>         A little more than one month ago I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on a
>>         HP
>>         Pavilion a520n, from a dvd in dual booting with Windows XP. I
>>         don't know
>>         if it did it the first time (I almost never shut off my
>>         computer)  or
>>         later, but when I shut off my computer I couldn't turn it back
>>         on. There 
>>         was no more power. If I unplugged it and plugged it back a few
>>         minutes
>>         later that worked the three first time and I had been able to
>>         turn it
>>         on. After the third time it didn't turn on at all, no more
>>         power in the 
>>         computer. I thought I had a windows virus and I changed the
>>         hard drive.
>>         The power came back. Then, I changed my computer of location
>>         and had to
>>         change the power supply, it turned on ok. Now if I turned my
>>         computer 
>>         off again it does the same thing I have to unplug it to have
>>         the power
>>         on. Does anybody knows why my computer is doing that? Did I
>>         configure
>>         something wrong somewhere or is it a problem with the computer
>>         itself? 
>>         Your help would be appreciated
>>         Thank you
>>         Megan
>>         --
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To check your memtest86, when you reboot your system, you are given a 
chance to hit the esc key, to edit grub, or change to a recover 
backup...You will see memtest86, move your down arrow key to it, hit 

Thanks it...


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