[FIXED] Re: Question concerning GRUB

Gerald Dachs ubuntu at dachsweb.de
Fri Sep 14 07:26:13 UTC 2007

Quoting Albert Charron <albert at albertcharron.name>:

> Marc Rios wrote:
>> exactly!!!
> Ok... I to test, I've ghosted my drive (just in case) and I've reset
> the MBR through Doze repair console. Then, I booted with Feisty liveCD
> and tried your method and it didn't work.

It didn't work because you can't chroot to a device. Instead of
"chroot /dev/hdaX" it has to be "chroot <mountpoint>/hdaX".
Can't look currently for the right mountpoint and whether the
live cd automatically mount the disk. A "mount" will show it.


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