[FIXED] Re: Question concerning GRUB

Albert Charron albert at albertcharron.name
Thu Sep 13 18:00:07 UTC 2007

Marc Rios wrote:
> exactly!!!
Ok... I to test, I've ghosted my drive (just in case) and I've reset the 
MBR through Doze repair console. Then, I booted with Feisty liveCD and 
tried your method and it didn't work.

I then goggled again and this time, I found this link: 

and it reinstalled grub correctly and I'm now back on Feisty.  Now that 
I know how to do this, I'll be able to reinstall my crappy Doze partition...

So... as a summary... after reinstalling the OS (or screwing the MBR as 
I did to test):

1- boot with the cd
2- sudo grub
3- root (hd0,4) (as /boot is on /dev/hda5 on my system)
4- setup (hd0)
5- exit
6- reboot

  Albert Charron
  Linux Counter member #157482
  Registered computers: 195048, 361906

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