
maman durahman durahman at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 08:11:15 UTC 2007

2007/9/12, Gunawan <jgun98.milis at gmail.com>:

> Since I am new to Linux, you suggest that I must install the package using
> tools
> such as Synaptic rather than install manually. And it also create a menu
> item on login
> screen so I can choose xfce session?

Hai, Gun. Where do you stay? If you stay near me (kemang, jakarta
selatan) you can ask me what application  do you wan to to install at
your computer. After that i will install that application on my
computer through synaptic or apt-get with my internet connection of
course. When my computer install program, installer file is downloaded
in cache folder and i will use it to create local repo which will send
to you. With do litle setings you can install program i install with


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