which package contains "stdlib.c"?

Gerald Dachs ubuntu at dachsweb.de
Thu Sep 13 07:46:53 UTC 2007

Quoting NN NN <aogr_dk_2000 at yahoo.dk>:

> Hi!
> I can't install the Perl DBI-1.59 on my ubuntu 7.04
> with
> the perl v5.8.8 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi.
> It seems like I'm lacking some headers, and I've been
> told that I should look for the package that contains
> "stdlib.c".
> What package contains "stdlib.c"?
> Is that really all I need?
> Can I somehow search for the package vi the keyword
> "stdlib.c"? I mean, how can I find out myself which
> package contains "stdlib.c"?
> Thanks!

   sudo apt-get install apt-file
   sudo apt-file update
   sudo apt-file search stdlib.c

But I would be surprised if you would find anything. I am sure you
are looking for "stdlib.h".

   sudo apt-get install build-essential

Should do the trick, because if you don't have "stdlib.h", then
you are missing more than only the package that contains "stdlib.h".


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