
maman durahman durahman at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 04:49:52 UTC 2007

2007/9/12, Gunawan <jgun98.milis at gmail.com>:
> I would like to confirm.
> 1. These days we have 3 widely known desktop manager for Linux/Ubuntu
>     GNOME, KDE and Xfce. And I believe Xfce is the lite one. Maybe there is
>     another desktop manager beside those threes.

Yes it is. There are flux, icewm, etc.

> 2. If I install one application under gnome, such as Abiword. Is it will
> visible under
>     other Desktop Manager, KDE or Xfce?

Yes. I have experience about this. Application we install at gnome
still visible and run well when we run xfce.

> 3. Installing shell application, I mean such as midnight commander should
> not difficult
>     as GUI Application?

Sure. Just open terminal and type

sudo apt-get install mc

with condition you have manage repository properly (weater online or offline).


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