Evolution or Thunderbird
Michael R. Head
burner at suppressingfire.org
Wed Sep 12 20:10:32 UTC 2007
On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 12:42 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Michael R. Head wrote:
> > When I drag messages from the message list to another folder in the
> > folder tree view, it always moves, even if I am dragging across
> > accounts.
> Tried several times here with the latest Windows build of Evolution and
> it copied every time. At one time I have 5 copies of spam in my spam folder
> that I had "moved" from other folders.
Well, I think the SPAM folder is virtual. If you're dragging to real
folder, it should move.
> > Does TBird still require users to subscribe to every folder on the IMAP
> > server that they want to see?
> Er, isn't that the point of subscriptions? Subscribe to the folders you
> want to see, don't subscribe to the folders you do not.
Sure, but I have new folders appearing from time to time. I want to see
everything. I don't want to have to subscribe to every new folder that
appears due to a procmail filter.
> > Does it have persistent search folders?
> Dunno, never saw a need for those so I don't even know what they would
> look like.
Here's how I use it:
I get lots of emails. I have lots of email accounts. I'm subscribed to
lots of mailing lists.
It's pretty trivial to organize these emails into folders with filters
(everything emailed TO (or CCed to) my burner at suppressingfire.org
account goes into one folder, everything for ubuntu-users goes into its
own folder.
So this makes it pretty easy to deal with mailing lists and multiple
accounts. The problem is that some of my contacts may use different
email accounts for me, some may be coming through mailing lists. I still
want to have a list of all the email to/from them.
Virtual folders solve this problem for me. I just create a virtual
folder to include all emails To/From my boss (for example), and now I
have a folder that includes all emails to and from my boss, no matter
what email he used to email me, no matter if my boss posted to a mailing
list, ...
So it makes it really easy to cross cut all your folders, which is
useful if you've got a large hierarchy of folders, as I do.
> > Also, does it have a "automatically check for new mail in all folders"
> > option yet?
> Mine checks for mail in all the folders I specify to check for new mail.
> Again, that's kind of the point. Why would I want to check for new mail in
> folders that would never see new mail? Seems counter-productive to waste time
> checking folders you know won't get new mail.
Well, I use procmail to do all the heavy lifting. This means new mail
may be delivered into any folder. This means I don't manually move
emails around, it's done as it gets delivered.
> > I've tried to switch to TBird a few times because I'd prefer a cross
> > platform email app, but it simply doesn't show me all my emails or let
> > me have virtual folders that cross cut other folders.
> I would wager that is a configuration problem in the case of not seeing
> mail. As for the latter *shrug* though this looks promising:
> http://kb.mozillazine.org/Saved_Search
Well, I was just attempting to summarize the issues I brought up above.
The folder subscription and new mail notification bits makes TBird a
major pain for day to day use (though it is a convenient tool to check
my email when I'm stuck in Windows somewhere).
Michael R. Head <burner at suppressingfire.org>
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