How to reboot from start scripts?

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Wed Sep 12 14:07:51 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 12 September 2007 15:48:13 Josef Wolf wrote:
> Hello!
> I noticed that shutdown from scripts in /etc/rcS.d don't really work.
> For example, when fsck for some filesystems fails at startup, you
> are thrown into a shell to fix the problem.  From that shell, you
> have no chance to make a proper reboot.  I have tried:
>   - shutdown -r now
>   - init 6
>   - reboot
>   - halt
> It don't really make a difference how I try to reboot.  I alwas get
> thrown out and the boot process continues.  Finally I get the login
> prompt.  But I did _not_ want to continue the boot.  I said I want
> to _shutdown_.  Why is this ignored?
> Any ideas what I am missing here?  How do I properly reboot from
> a script in /etc/rcS.d?

Not sure if it makes any difference in this instance but I now the reboot 
needs admin privilages so you usually see sudo reboot rather than reboot on 
its own


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