
Gunawan jgun98.milis at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 06:43:10 UTC 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mario Vukelic" <mario.vukelic at dantian.org>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions" 
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: xfce

> On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 12:02 +0700, Gunawan wrote:
>> How do I install xfce to my Ubuntu system?
> I already told you in my reply yesterday that there is no need to untar
> and compile anything. Just go to menu System -> Administration, open the
> Synaptic package manager, and install xubuntu-desktop. Then log out, and
> on the login screen go to options and select xfce session

Hi Mario,
Thank you for your reply.
Since I am new to Linux, you suggest that I must install the package using 
such as Synaptic rather than install manually. And it also create a menu 
item on login
screen so I can choose xfce session?


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