How program start

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Mon Sep 10 08:48:17 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 00:55 -0700, Christopher Gray wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Sep 2007, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> > First of all, what exactly are you trying to achieve?
> I have installed a program called brltty that allows me to read the screen in 
> Ubuntu and Ubuntu/gnome with a braille display.  Step 1 was to get the program 
> installed and executable from the command line. 

You may have created yourself problems. brltty is installed by default
in Ubuntu.

>  That's working now.  Step 2 was 
> to get it to run early enough to show me the logon prompt for the console and 
> then for the Ubuntu/gnome full screen. I put a line in rcS to execute it by calling a script saved in init.d.  This 
> works, but comes with some mysteries.

In an Ubuntu default installation, it should be enough to go to the menu
System -> Universal Access and change the Assistive Technology
Preferences (at least this is how it is called in the preview version
for Ubuntu 7.10)

> 1.  How did the filename for the brltty script find its way into a directory of 
> links and get assigned 25 as a part of its name without my ever doing a ln or 
> anything to help this happen?

As I said, it is installed by default and the package set up the links
by iself

>   I've created other scripts in /etc/init.d but 
> none of them have found their way into a numbered link; none of them had the 
> identical name as the program they invoked, but I'm not certain this matters.

You don't need to do that in this case, but read the links and man page
I gave for how to do it in principle

> I appreciate the references to things to read and will check them out, 
> recognizing there's some learning to do here.

Go to menu System -> Help, and then search for "braille". It will show
you documentation on how to set it up.

Before you do anything, you should undo all the manual changes you have
needlessly done, and reinstall Ubuntu's brltty (you can do so from the
Synaptic package manager)

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