How program start

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Mon Sep 10 07:10:34 UTC 2007

First of all, what exactly are you trying to achieve?

On Sun, 2007-09-09 at 23:01 -0700, Christopher Gray wrote:
> However, I have created such scripts in /etc/init.d and then found them linked 
> into a different directory in a filename that contains a number that seems to 
> suggest the order in which that file would execute.  

Read the file /etc/init.d/README and the URL

> However, I have never 
> executed a link command or assigned a number in some other way.  How did this 
> link get created?  There seems to be some sort of automated trigger I don't 
> understand.

They are created by some packages on installation

> If I've got such a numbered file in the link directory, how do I change that 
> number in case I wish this program executed earlier or later in the execution 
> sequence?

If you want to change existing links, you should really know what you
are doing, it's easy to break things. If you really want to do it, read
the man page for update-rc.d ("man update-rc.d" in a terminal, or go to
menu System -> Help -> Advanced Topics -> Terminal Commands References
(man pages))

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