Basic Partitioning Guide?

Michael Stanziano m.stanziano at
Sun Sep 9 18:48:36 UTC 2007

Thanks all! Didn't expect it to be that simple. Fantastic.

On 9/9/07, Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Sep 2007 13:28:18 -0400
> "Michael Stanziano" <m.stanziano at> wrote:
> > Greetings All,
> >
> > I'm about to do a full install of Ubuntu (Feisty) on a 100gig drive -
> the
> > first time I've been able to devote a drive of this side to Ubuntu.
> >
> > So, I'm looking for some general advice for a partition scheme.  Nothing
> to
> > complicated, just want to be able to keep my user and application stuff
> safe
> > if i want/need to do another reinstall of the OS later.
> >
> > Any advice will be appreciated -- thanks!
> I have the same requirements as yourself, just a separated /home
> partition for fat and painfless re-installs.
> What I have alwyas done since Ubuntu came out, and appeared to work
> well in practice (at least for me ! ;-) :
> - around 10 GB for '/'. A default install takes about 2.5 GB, so that
> leaves lots of space for the system to "breathe" (package cache,
> logs, /var, god know what else ;-), and for you to add as many
> applications as you might want.
> - 99.5% of the remaining space of the disk for /home.
> - The last remaining bit, for the swap partition. Although I have
> plenty of RAM never run out (according to the system monitor at least),
> the kernel still wants to put a bit of stuff on it, go figure.
> As a guide, give it between one to too times the amount of RAM on your
> system. I have 1 GB of RAM, so I put 2GB of swap. The swap costs not
> much disk space compared to home, and it can save your bacon if the
> system doe srun out of memory for some reason. So, it's not worth
> cutting corners here... better put a bit more swap than a bit too
> few ;-) So let's just say twice the amount of RAM.
> So to sum it up, with a 100GB drive:
> 10 GB for '/'
> 88 GB for '/home'
> 2 GB for 'swap'
> HTH ! ;-)
> --
> Vince
> --
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