Basic Partitioning Guide?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Sun Sep 9 18:38:52 UTC 2007

On Sun, 9 Sep 2007 13:28:18 -0400
"Michael Stanziano" <m.stanziano at> wrote:

> Greetings All,
> I'm about to do a full install of Ubuntu (Feisty) on a 100gig drive - the
> first time I've been able to devote a drive of this side to Ubuntu.
> So, I'm looking for some general advice for a partition scheme.  Nothing to
> complicated, just want to be able to keep my user and application stuff safe
> if i want/need to do another reinstall of the OS later.
> Any advice will be appreciated -- thanks!

I have the same requirements as yourself, just a separated /home
partition for fat and painfless re-installs.

What I have alwyas done since Ubuntu came out, and appeared to work
well in practice (at least for me ! ;-) :

- around 10 GB for '/'. A default install takes about 2.5 GB, so that
leaves lots of space for the system to "breathe" (package cache,
logs, /var, god know what else ;-), and for you to add as many
applications as you might want.

- 99.5% of the remaining space of the disk for /home.

- The last remaining bit, for the swap partition. Although I have
plenty of RAM never run out (according to the system monitor at least),
the kernel still wants to put a bit of stuff on it, go figure.
As a guide, give it between one to too times the amount of RAM on your
system. I have 1 GB of RAM, so I put 2GB of swap. The swap costs not
much disk space compared to home, and it can save your bacon if the
system doe srun out of memory for some reason. So, it's not worth
cutting corners here... better put a bit more swap than a bit too
few ;-) So let's just say twice the amount of RAM.

So to sum it up, with a 100GB drive:

10 GB for '/'
88 GB for '/home'
 2 GB for 'swap'

HTH ! ;-)


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