Xampp on Ubuntu

Matt Morgan minxmertzmomo at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 01:46:14 UTC 2007

On 9/5/07, Patrick Newberry <PNewberry at habitat.org> wrote:
> I'll more than likely just try this when I get home, but wanted to see if there was any problems before  hand.
> Basically I've got apache, mysql php etc installed on my ubuntu machine.
> When I tried to put in phpMyAdmin there seems to be some issue.
> I  then remembered xampp.
> I googled and found the "install" instuctions but I guess I don't really understand how it is installing.
> For example
> First it states down load the tar file from the xampp web site.
> Then you type in
> Sudo tar svfz xampp-linux*.tar.gz -C /opt
> Then it states how to start xampp
> Sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
> Ok  now did the tar command do an install as well as unpack everthing?

There's no real install. You copied some executable files to your
computer, and are running them in place.

> Did it set config files and passwords per the standard xampp install?

Yes. It has all its own config files and passwords, all somewhere in
that /opt/lampp dir.

> Will it reset my current installs of mysql and apache?
> (which is fine, just wondering)

No. They're separate installs of mysql and apache (and php and
phpmyadmin and perl and ...)

> Just thought I ask before I really screw something up :-)
> Pat

Do avoid, like the other respondent suggested, posting by replying to
another message and changing the subject line. I use gmail which
doesn't really thread, but probably lots of people didn't see your


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