networking ?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Fri Sep 7 06:09:14 UTC 2007

Dennis wrote:
> I would like to access files on my Desktop from my laptop.    Can
> anyone explain how I can do this or to a site that will explain this in
> simple detail.  I have a router and use DSL to connect to the Internet.
>  I use Feisty on both computers.  when I click 'Connect to Server' - I
> already stuck on what 'Service type' to use. --yes I'm new

There are at least 2 options, nfs and ssh. With ssh you can copy 
individual files from one machine to another. With nfs you can mount 
directories from one machine on the other machine.

For ssh you need a ssh server on the remote machine, i.e. on your desktop. 
Install package openssh-server on the desktop. Then you can use the 
command scp in a terminal on your laptop to copy files. For more info 
about the scp command type "man scp" (without quotes) in a terminal. If 
you use konqueror, you can access files on the remote machine with a URL 
like <fish://login@machine> where you replace login with your username on 
the desktop and machine with the IP address of the desktop. I don't know 
if something similar is available for GNOME.

If you want to mount (parts of) the filesystem of your desktop to your 
laptop, install the packages nfs-kernel-server and portmap on your 
desktop. You should edit /etc/exports on your desktop to define which 
part of the file system is visible to other machines. Use the 
command "man exports" in a terminal on your desktop for details about 
that file. Then you can use the mount command on your laptop to mount the 
directories from your desktop (see "man mount" for details).


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