ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 37, Issue 31

Niels Larsen bqz69 at telia.com
Wed Sep 5 08:33:11 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 05 September 2007 03:20:51 €®!© Jansen wrote:
> > Hi Jansen
> first of all, I would like to thank to you James,
> so how to install via text installation? When I wasn't able to continue
> with x-window, I entered the console style (text installation) but I do not
> know what will be the next step of the installation. I do not know the
> command of Linux. would you mind to guide me in this case.
> thank you,
> Eric Jansen

I have just made a new Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Alternate install minihowto, se my:


There are som other minihowtos as well - my intentions are to make 
documentation - in everyday language for newbies - supplementary to all the 
huge amount of documentations on the Internet - google etc.


Niels     (I am 66 years of age)  :-)

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