Odd DNS problem

Brad Johnson lists at bkjohnson.com
Tue Sep 4 22:18:14 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 20:08 +0300, Ed Smits wrote:
> Just moved to Europe from Canada, got broadband access last night,
> fired up my laptop. I normally run Feisty but have an XP emergency
> dualboot option. Connects to the Internet just fine, however I am
> getting more than the usual number of server not found errors in
> Firefox. Not a big deal until I wanted to download the latest VMWare
> install file, and I can't get to anything at VMWare, server not found.

This could be a known issue with some modems that do DNS proxy. Hard
code your DNS Servers and you should notice a difference. Assuming this
resolves the problem, you may be able to specify the DNS servers in your
modem configuration. The important thing being that your modem IP is NOT
one of your DNS Servers.

Brad Johnson

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