Feisty live CD killed HD

Paul Thompson ubantu001 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 20:02:03 UTC 2007

It is quite likely that Steve Gibson's Spinrite disk recovery program
would sort out this problem. I have used it in a number of caeses and
it has worked like a charm. Not free or open source but none the less
a good product. See http://www.grc.com/spinrite.htm



On 9/5/07, Rashkae <ubuntu at tigershaunt.com> wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
> >
> > I was given an old Windows ME computer w/20G AT Fireball hard drive. The
> > computer seemed to be working well with ME (as far as one can say 'work
> > well' w/ME). I didn't put it through it's paces in Windows, but
> > immediately set to installing Ubuntu 7.04 via the alternate CD.
> > Somewhere in the process the drive experience read/write errors. Most
> > likely the drive was bad to begin with and Windows ME was hiding the
> > errors. Reformating, dd, test disk etc., failed to fix the drive and it
> > is now in my 'beat with a hammer' pile. Could very well be the same case
> > with the OP; the drive might have been failing all along & installing
> > Ubuntu just brought out the errors in the drive.
> >
> Modern hard drives should map out bad sectors and hide them from the OS.
>     If there are too many, however, some bad sectors will become OS
> visible.  Dos FAT filesystems keep their own bad sector map and will
> route around them.  Linux filesystems, however, do not do this.
> As a rule, by the time there are enough bad sectors in current hard
> drives that they become visible to the software, the drive is junk.  But
> it is possible to have a drive that will work fine with Windows (with a
> chunk of bad sectors identified by Scandisk) that will cause Linux to
> puke all over itself with Read/write errors.
> I'm not sure off the top of my head if NTFS also re-maps bad sectors,
> but I believe it does.
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