Fw: Postfix, Mutt And No Root Mail?

Hal Burgiss hal at burgiss.net
Sat Sep 1 22:35:03 UTC 2007

> I'm now wondering if there is some program I need to
> install to get root mail going.  Seems like there was
> one under Debian but don't remember. I do remember
> having to remove something to stop the excess root
> mail after I got tired of it and which was nothing
> important.  Surely Feisty does generate a fail amount
> of root mail so that I should see something when I
> start mutt?  Thanks for the help.  Looks like mutt is
> working now and maybe some problem with postfix.cf but
> no root mail.

As a new Ubuntu user, one thing I noticed also is the lack of root
mail. Most of this comes from cron, I would bet. I also noticed that
my user crontab also generated no mail. I added a MAILTO=halb to that
one, which got mail back to where I was used to. You might try that
in /etc/crontab if you think the root mail you are missing is a result
of cron runs (I haven't tried that yet).


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