Postfix, Mutt And No Root Mail?

Hal Burgiss hal at
Sat Sep 1 19:15:20 UTC 2007

> I've never configured mutt and there was no default
> muttrc in the original install of mutt.
> dpkg-reconifgure mutt also takes a long time to run
> and has no output to select options.  Suspect it's a
> bug in mutt or am I missing somethin?

Leonard, 'man muttrc'. There are *many* very useful things that can
happen there, and well worth learning a little about. There are plenty
of example ones floating around, and probably some links to check at You will need something like this ... 

 set spoolfile='/var/spool/mail/lchata'  

for sure, so it knows about the location of that. 


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