Which version should I use?

Brian Fahrlander brian at fahrlander.net
Sat Sep 1 12:01:14 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Re Alvarez wrote:
> both should work equally well on your notebook....
> but personally i would suggest you to get i386 because the software
> support on 64bit is still not comparable to 32bit. So if you do install
> 64bit then you'll find that not all applications that are avaialble for
> ubuntu are available in 64bit version.

    The last I looked, yeah.  But I'd run both, and here's why.

    I had a very NON-tech friend with a surprisingly nice eMachines
64-bit machine.  We tried the 64 first; we were impressed with the
speed, smoothness.  But then we just decided to run 32, since the codecs
are easier to install (that is, painless.)

    I love the idea of running it 'full throttle', but it's just easier
for most folks to go 32, especially if you don't want to invest the
time/effort, or you're new to Linux.

- --
 Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
 Evansville, IN                              http://Fahrlander.net/brian
 ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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