Which version should I use?

Re Alvarez re_alvz at yahoo.es
Sat Sep 1 04:23:43 UTC 2007

both should work equally well on your notebook....
but personally i would suggest you to get i386 because the software
support on 64bit is still not comparable to 32bit. So if you do install
64bit then you'll find that not all applications that are avaialble for
ubuntu are available in 64bit version.

On Sat, 2007-09-01 at 11:33 +0800, Y Leung wrote:

> Hi,
> I bought a new notebook  with an AMD Turion 64 CPU.
> Now I want to install Ubuntu 7.04 on it.
> But which version should I choose? Will the i386 version work well? Or
> should I use the 64bit version?
> Thanks!
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