Problem with Archiving .tar

Chris Lemire good_bye300 at
Wed Oct 31 04:12:13 UTC 2007

the gui is crap. if you don't want to use a command once in a while, then what the hell are you doing with linux. if you want compression, simply pipe the output to bzip2 or gzip and have then read from standard input.

Derek Broughton <news at> wrote: Christopher Lemire wrote:

> Try the command line to instead of the gui instead.
> tar -cvf filename.tar /path/to/your/home

In the first place, he wants compression so he'd use the _compression_
options.   In the second, you're not remotely responding to the question -
which is that he _used_ to have context menus that let him tar (and
compress) files in the file manager (not clear whether that's nautilus or
konqueror but probably konqueror) and now they don't seem to work.

Richard:  I'm sorry I can't help, but I _can_ say that on my (gutsy) kde
desktop, I can still right click on a folder and get a "Compress" context
menu. That menu contains "Compress as FILENAME.tar.gz"; "Compress as "
(with a submenu for all the compression types supported by Ark); "Add to"
(presumably a most-recently-used list of archives created by this tool);
and "Add to archive...".  As far as I can see, these work.

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