Using 'mysql_connect()' in php5

bill purvis bil at
Mon Oct 29 17:37:31 UTC 2007

The good news is that my problems in getting Apache2 and MySQL to work
have now gone away. A full, clean install seems to have sorted it all
out. I've now re-installed my MySQL databases and the local web pages
and tried to view my 'photo-album' web page which is a home-grown
affair written in php and using the php-mysql routines. Unfortunately
it doesn't work! I get

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() 
in /var/www/photo/ on line 6

returned when I try to invoke the relevant page. I have installed
both the php5 and php5-mysql packages, and restarted Firefox.
Can anyone help?

p.s. Thanks to all who responded to my earlier problems. This is
a very helpful list!

| Bill Purvis, Amateur Mathematician    |
|  email: bil at                  |
|          |

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