Gutsy Install Success
Alex Janssen
alex at
Sat Oct 27 20:05:13 UTC 2007
David Restall - System Administrator said the following on 10/27/2007
01:12 PM:
> Hi,
> Installed Gutsy Gibbon on Acer Aspire 3004WLMi laptop. Went very
> smoothly - much smoother than the original install on machine which
> was Dapper Drake. Only 'awkwardish' bit was the wireless card. If you
> can install with a wired LAN do it. I had to plug the wires in, edit
> /etc/apt/sources.list and do an apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade (I
> know..) and then take it from there. It installed the wireless drivers
> fine once it was able to get on to the network.
> I shuffled my disk around a bit but left my /home partition in place so
> haven't lost any important files either.
> Total time from boot from CD to working standalone < 90 minutes, this
> email is going out less than two hours after I burnt the CD !!
> Real windows are glass and are the only windows that are smoother than
> Ubuntu's upgrade :-)
> D
> ubuntu/2007-10-27.tx ubuntu-users ubuntu-uk
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger |
> | Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245 Skype: dave.restall Radio: G4FCU |
> | email : dave at Web : Not Ready Yet :-( |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Do you know Montana? |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2 hours here on a Dell Inspiron 1501. No hitches. Ok'd install of
restricted software for ATI graphics card and firmware for Broadcom
43xx. The Broadcom was setup to run with ndiswrapper and the original
Windows XP driver from Dell at 54mbits/sec. It is now operating at
24mbits/sec. Might go back to ndiswrapper.
One thing I think would improve the install would be to just make a
backup copy of all the configuration files that will be replaced instead
of stopping the install to wait for user approval. To whom do I suggest
that? The install time would have been cut in half if that had been
done. I kept coming back to find it waiting for authorization to
overwrite a config file. I finally just sat down in front of it and
waited for the prompts to show up. I could have been paying attention
to other important tasks I need to to Saturdays. ;-) But, I'm pleased
it went so smoothly.
Cheers to all you computer rebels and others!
Do not drink coffee in the morning or it will keep you awake until noon. (86)
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