Gutsy boot problem

Richard Mancusi vrman49 at
Sat Oct 27 02:14:29 UTC 2007

On 10/26/07, pkaplan1 at <pkaplan1 at> wrote:
> I'm not on my T41 either, but where does one manipulate the Grub resolution and why would that cause problems booting normal mode vs. recovery mode?
> Paul

Okay - sorry for the delay - finally in front of my old T41.
1. open: System/Administration/Startup-Manager
2. Boot options tab
3. Display - Resolution and Color depth

Mine was somehow set to 800x600  8 bits
Changed it to 1024x768  16 bits
And that solved the problem

I can only imagine what I will get on my T41p which should
be 1400x1050.  Haven't worked up the nerve to try that yet.


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