Gutsy install problem

Paul Tansom paul at
Thu Oct 25 14:48:23 UTC 2007

Not quite sure what to use as a subject, but that about sums it up!

What I think I need to do is force the  pata_it821x  module to load
during the boot process so that I can mount the root file system.

My reasoning behind that is that when I boot off the desktop CD into a
Gutsy desktop I can see that this is the module used for my controller
card (which is a PCI card).

The install process seemed to go fine, and I was pleasantly surprised
that it recognised the card at all as I've not had Linux on this box
before because of hassle with drivers. I installed of the Alternate CD
and it had no problems working with the drive, creating partitions and
installing to them. Unfortunately as soon as I rebooted it stalled and
then dropped my into a BusyBox shell.

There are few useful tools in the BusyBox shell, and I have no way of
finding out which modules are loaded, or getting at any log information
about the boot (there is nothing in /var/log). The required module is in
the file system though, having taken a look down the /lib/modules/...
tree, so I should be able to force it to load (on the assumption that it
is not).

Oh, as a last point (I think), when I drop into a Grub shell and use:

find /boot/grub/stage1

it reports back with (hd0,1), which is correct as I have XP on (hd0,0).
The kernel line in Grub refers to /dev/disk/by-uuid/ but there is no
directory of this name, just by-id and by-path, presumably because there
are no hds detected.

The hd hangs off this extra card due to limitations on the speed and
capacity of the disk on the motherboard controller. I have two DVDRW
drives hanging of this :)

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | | 023 9238 0001
Registered in England  |  Company No: 4905028  |  Registered Office:
Crawford House, Hambledon Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hants, PO7 6NU

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