Screen rotation in Gutsy 7.10

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at
Wed Oct 24 20:30:10 UTC 2007

Mario Vukelic a écrit :
> On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 11:55 +0200, Loïc Martin wrote:
>> However, when I rotate the screen, nothing happens - and the Graphical
>> configuration tool for X doesn't have anything for it.
>> How can I get dynamic rotation in Gutsy - has anybody done it?
> I can't really help because I have never used this feature, but the
> release notes don't rally say that it reacts to rotation automatically,
> just that it is possible to do without restarting X. MAybe it should,
> but I don't know.
> It sure would be nice for the graphical config tool to provide an
> option, but maybe you can get by with the command line tool, xrandr. See
> the manpage.

I eventually managed to make it working.

One need to add

	Option          "RandRRotation"

to the Section "Device" of xorg.conf,


sudo apt-get install gnome-randr-applet

and then add the applet to the taskbar.

Why all this isn't installed/configured by default fails my 
understanding, since Ubuntu is actively advertising the feature for Gutsy.

Thanks a lot anyway,

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