Screen rotation in Gutsy 7.10

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Oct 24 19:17:46 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 11:55 +0200, Loïc Martin wrote:
> However, when I rotate the screen, nothing happens - and the Graphical
> configuration tool for X doesn't have anything for it.
> How can I get dynamic rotation in Gutsy - has anybody done it?

I can't really help because I have never used this feature, but the
release notes don't rally say that it reacts to rotation automatically,
just that it is possible to do without restarting X. MAybe it should,
but I don't know.

It sure would be nice for the graphical config tool to provide an
option, but maybe you can get by with the command line tool, xrandr. See
the manpage.

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