Gnome Terminal (Ctrl+Shift+N)

David Vincent dvincent at
Wed Oct 24 14:36:58 UTC 2007

Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> Hi,
> If I want to open a gnome terminal with geometry setting for 80x40, I 
> can just open it by typing "gnome-terminal -geometry 80x40" at command 
> line. With this terminal (80x40 size), I want to open a new terminal 
> with the same window size (80x40) by pressing "Ctrl+Shift+N". But, if I 
> typed that, the newly opened terminal's size is still the default size 
> which is 80x24.
> How can I modify it so that I can open a new terminal with the same size 
> by pressing "Ctrl_Shift+N" keys.
> Thanks,
> Soo-Hyun

create a launcher in your panel/menu with the geometry flag.  when you 
launch with that, if you create new tabs they will take on the same 
dimensions as the parent window.


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