tar & wget

Lex Thoonen Lex at peng.nl
Mon Oct 22 20:37:15 UTC 2007


on one fedora server, I do

tar -cvf example.tar folder

if i do a tar -tf exmaple.tar, all the files that were in the folder
are still in it. The file is 42 mb.

on another server, ubuntu, i do a wget ...example.tar

it downloads the tar file. it has exactly the same size as the
original, but when i do a tar -tf (or really unpack it) there's only
the first 5 files there, in stead of the few hundred that should be in

I've been googling, but can't find anything...

Anyone an idea where i should look?


Lex Thoonen
PĂȘng Smart Web Design - http://www.peng.nl
Gran Canaria Info     - http://www.gran-canaria-info.com
Hollandse Nieuwe      - http://www.hollandsenieuwe.com
tel. +34 928 88.61.77

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